Neuropathy Relief

Historically, methods for managing pain have involved attempts to suppress what the brain perceives as pain. Most methods have revolved around changing chemistry, such as pain killers or nerve blocks. Their intent is to suppress or inhibit what the system is feeling....

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Are Headaches Normal?

Are Headaches Normal?

It is amazing to me how many people I meet believe headaches are normal.  That everyone gets them.  While I agree that headaches are common, they certainly are not normal.   In my opinion, if you are having more than 3 headaches a year, you have a problem.  The good...

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Tennis Elbow

Tennis Elbow

Tennis Elbow or Lateral Epicondylitis is a painful overuse condition given it's name because of it's location and the kind of activity that tends to bring it on.  Tennis Elbow is the nickname because many tennis players develop this pain due to the back-swing that...

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Frozen Shoulder or Rotator Cuff?

Frozen Shoulder or Rotator Cuff?

Frozen Shoulder is a condition wherein the joint capsule of the shoulder joint becomes tight, restricted and painful and may become completely immobile.  It may come on gradually or following certain injuries or invasive procedures such as surgery.  People who are...

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Thoracic Spine Pain Relapse

Thoracic Spine Pain Relapse

Another recent case in my office was a gentleman who was involved in a car wreck here in St. George, Utah.  He was driving on the Boulevard when another vehicle T-boned him from the right side.  Immediately he had neck and upper back pain.  The back pain was a sharp,...

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Slipped Disc

Slipped Disc

I cringe a little every time I hear a patient tell me that they have a slipped disc because the reality is that discs don't slip.  They may herniate, tear, prolapse, bulge or sequester,.. but slip?  Never. Sometimes doctors will use more simple terms to attempt to...

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