“Dos” and “Don’ts” Following an Auto Accident
Statistically speaking, every American can expect to be in a motor vehicle accident once every ten years. This can be a pretty scary thought. However, there is a silver lining. Chances of a full recovery are good if you know what to do right after the accident...

Decompression and Laser Therapy | A powerful combination to eliminate back pain
Decompression and Laser Therapy A powerful combination to eliminate back pain By Terrin Parker According to the American Academy of Pain Medicine, back pain is the most prevalent pain in the world, followed by a headache. About 400,000 people undergo spine surgery...

Calmare: A solution to the chronic pain problem
We all deal with pain at some point in our lives. Whether it’s a stubbed toe, a broken bone, or a headache. Pains come, and they go. For some folks. For others, pain is a constant, chronic companion. Chronic pain has been linked to depression, anxiety, insomnia, and...
Stop the Automobile Accident Nightmare
Only those who have been involved in an automobile accident truly know what it’s like… The recurring flashbacks that cause restless sleep and even nightmares. The anxiety you feel every time you get back in a vehicle, whether or not you are driving. The stress of...

St. George Auto Accident Chiropractor
In Utah, there are many more St. George auto accident (s) than one would assume. St. George auto accident Chiropractor is not mentioned enough. There are still many people who aren't sure of what they should do following an auto accident injury. Many will go to the...

Auto Injury Expertise
There is a lot of confusion regarding the best course of action to take when you’ve been involved in an automobile accident. This is when you can use someone with Auto Injury expertise. Many times, people who have been involved in an automobile accident are in a mild...

Auto Accident vs. Car Crash
Is there a difference between a car crash and an auto accident? The short answer is, no. However, during my studies in Traffic Accident Reconstruction school, I learned that there is a a perception difference. You see, when you say the word "accident," there is an...

How Weekend Warrior Can Fix Chronic Plantar Fasciitis
Weekend Warrior is a name for an athlete who is beyond his competitive years but still likes to engage in a sport. This sport usually falls on the weekend. Typically, Weekend Warriors were athletes who trained on a daily basis while in high school or college, but now...

Back Pain Solutions
Lower back pain solutions are many and varied. There are 3 general ways to be treated: 1. Do nothing. 2. Do home remedies. 3. Get help. Most people will not ignore the problem and truly "do nothing." Most will actively look for back pain solutions. Most will try...

Is Massage Therapy Safe Following a Car Accident?
Is massage therapy safe following a car accident? The short answer is, "yes." However, there are some things to consider... Most people get massage to reduce tension and stress both physically and emotionally. During a typical massage, the therapist will apply...
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