Minimize Recovery Time from Car Crash with Chiropractic Care
After a car crash you might be uncertain as to where you can seek treatment. It’s important to minimize recovery time from a crash by seeking chiropractic care immediately following the injury. Treatment can improve healing time, prevent further injury and decrease pain. You may even feel ok after a personal injury, but it may take a few days for you to notice escalation of pain, limited movement, or tissue damage.

Hypermobile Joints and Ligament Laxity from Severe Car Crashes
Severe car crashes can cause soft tissue damage which can result in ligamentous instability. A common example of this is whiplash.
Untreated Personal Injury and the Onset of Degenerative Joint Disease and Arthritis
Early intervention can make all the difference in the world when it comes to untreated car accident injuries. Untreated car accident injuries can leave the joint capsule scarred and early onset of degenerative joint disease and/or arthritis can develop. Chiropractors can play a role in diagnosis, treatment and recovery for the patient.

What is a Chiropractor’s Role in Personal Injury or Automobile Accident?
Are you the victim of personal injury or an automobile accident? Whether the accident was high or low impact, people often continue to experience varying levels of residual pain. Chiropractors can treat sore muscles, back, neck or soft tissue injuries and whiplash.
Frequently Asked Questions about Chiropractic Care
Currently, we have 4 doctors and 2 dentists that are patients in my office. Chiropractic care and medicine can provide complementary treatment for patients. There is mutual respect between professionals and they often refer patients to each other. There is growing research studies and reviews that demonstrate services provided by a chiropractor are clinically effective, safe, and cost-effective. This evidence supports the natural, whole-body, non-drug approach to treat a variety of conditions.
Frequently Asked Questions About Auto Accident Injury Treatment at Dixie Chiropractic
Many times, an injury will not manifest itself until a few days later. You may not experience stiffness, pain, soreness, and discomfort until days or even weeks after an accident. Seeking the care of a chiropractor immediately after a personal injury can help to prevent injuries from worsening along with the pain and discomfort.
Great News for those who try the Calmare Machine
Safe, effective, non-invasive relief without drugs or side effects. Local Results from the Calmare Machine A new FDA-approved device to relieve pain is being used on a 17-year-old teenager who was hit by lightning in Utah’s Dixie. Alex Lambson and Dane Zdunich...

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Dual Treatment Options to Manage Your Pain
Are you suffering from pain, tingling or numbness in your hand? Often this pain can manifest itself for years before you decide to seek treatment. The underlying cause of this pain can often be unknown. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome or CTS is a condition where one of the...

Tips to Relieve Back Pain at Home
You shouldn’t have to live your life in pain or discomfort. 80% of people will experience back pain at some time, but there are ways to find relief. Finding the cause and figuring out the most effective way to relieve it is the best place to start. Read these Tips To...

Why Everyone Should Have A Chiropractor (All Benefits Explained)
Quick Summary of Why Everyone Should Have A Chiropractor: Relieves PainCauses Are Addressed Rather Than SymptomsNo DrugsComplements Other TreatmentsTreatments Are CustomizableVery Low RiskParticularly High Success Rate Treating Back And Neck PainRelief From Invisible...
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