by Dr. Ward Wagner DC
Why should you see a chiropractor after a personal injury?
Many times, an injury will not manifest itself until a few days later. You may not experience stiffness, pain, soreness, and discomfort until days or even weeks after an accident. Seeking the care of a chiropractor immediately after a personal injury can help to prevent injuries from worsening along with the pain and discomfort. “Chiropractic users had 64% lower odds of receiving an opioid prescription than non-users.” Corcoran et al. (2019) Pain Medicine.
After an injury, many may feel they need to rush into surgical procedures or medication, but chiropractic care is less evasive and could potentially decrease your pain and recovery time.
Why see a chiropractor after an accident?
Chiropractors are spine and joint doctors who specialize in injury care. We look for things such as whiplash trauma, muscle spasm, and acceleration/deceleration injuries. Our treatments revolve around restoring proper joint mobility and alignment. All of this is done with a focus on pain-free treatment throughout the healing process.

Can I go to a chiropractor after a car accident?
Absolutely! Put some ice on your injury and give us a call! Most people who are concerned about whether they should go to a chiropractor after an accident are thinking, “My neck hurts and I don’t want it popped!” We agree.
When people come to my office following an automobile accident, we begin with a thorough examination of the body areas that were injured. This examination includes specialized orthopedic tests and x-rays to assess the seriousness of the injury. We then proceed with appropriate therapies to help reduce pain and inflammation. Adjustments are not part of our initial protocol.
Evidence-based research shows that outcomes from Chiropractic “care was improved (reduced and less intrusive) pain and improved (increased and easier) ranges of motion (ROM) of the adult cervical spine following a car accident.” J Can Chiropr Assoc. 2005

How soon after a car accident should I see a chiropractor?
Typically, it’s best to see a chiropractor within 72 hours following a car accident. When patients come to our office, we do a thorough examination with the intent of discovering not only what is wrong, but the best methods for helping the body to safely heal. If you have been in a severe accident, it is not uncommon for healing to take between 2 to 4 months. During this time, we focus on joint and “soft tissue” (muscles, ligaments, tendons) healing in order to get you back to full function and activity. Our qualified staff will assess your needs and customize a treatment plan for you.
To sum it up, if you are experiencing aches, pain, creaks, or strain or have had a personal injury, we would be happy to see you at our office. Call today for an evaluation.
Dr. Ward Wagner at Dixie Chiropractic 673-1443