Dr. Wagner on TV with The Doctors

Dr. Wagner on TV with The Doctors

Watch me on The Doctors Show and see how our Calmare Therapy (Scrambler Therapy) has helped an individual who suffered from severe burns and injuries over his entire body. You can check out the show here online at: www.thedoctorstv.com The show is set to air on...
Do you have lower back pain?

Do you have lower back pain?

Here are signs that it may be a lumbar disc problem: Leg Pain (sciatica) with or without lower back pain Lower Back pain and/or pain in the buttocks After sitting a while, difficult to stand up straight for a few steps Tender/stiffness when attempting to bend backward...
Auto Accident Care

Auto Accident Care

Research shows that even low impact accidents at speeds as low as 15 mph can cause bodily injury. If left untreated, these injuries could lead to future problems like headaches, tingling and numbness, muscle weakness, and even disc problems. Most auto injuries result...