PRP and Shockwave for Chronic Pain

Are you tired of living with chronic pain that just won’t go away? It’s frustrating and can be downright depressing, but don’t give up hope just yet. At our clinic, we offer cutting-edge solutions that can help you get your life back on track.

Chronic pain is often caused by overuse or repetitive injuries that don’t fully heal. The body’s natural healing process can be disrupted, leading to prolonged inflammation and pain that never seems to go away. But we have the answer to your problems – Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) and Acoustic Wave Therapy (Shockwave Therapy).

PRP is a natural blood product that is drawn from your own body and injected into the affected area to promote healing. Platelets contain healing properties and growth factors that stimulate tissue regeneration, leading to new cell growth and repair of damaged tissues. Unlike traditional injections or surgery, PRP is non-invasive and provides long-lasting relief by working with your body’s natural healing process.

Shockwave Therapy is a non-invasive treatment that uses strong sound waves to stimulate healing in damaged tissues. By making cell walls more permeable, shockwaves can increase the effectiveness of healing factors and promote faster tissue regeneration. This therapy is fast, easy, and tailored to your specific needs, making it a great solution for anyone suffering from chronic pain.

These two therapies work together to provide an unparalleled level of healing and comfort. By promoting the body’s natural healing ability, chronic pain can be relieved and even eliminated. Imagine being able to get back to playing sports, spending time with loved ones, or just enjoying life without the constant pain holding you back.

Pain lasting for weeks, months, or even years can be frustrating and depressing for almost all who experience it. Chronic pain in all its varieties is due to the body not fully healing from a previous injury. An injury does not need to be from trauma, in most cases injury occurs from repetitive overuse. Think of a paper clip being bent over and over until it breaks, our bodies go through a similar process from excess overuse. The tissues take a lot of beating until they become damaged. Most of the time we get back to doing what we are used to doing after the pain starts to subside. However, in doing so we continue to put a strain on those damaged tissues which have not fully healed even though the pain may have receded. 

Our bodies work miracles every day for us. Each night when we go to bed to sleep our bodies are still hard at work healing and recovering from the past day’s activities. Cells are being repaired and new cells are growing to take the place of damaged or dead cells. Our bodies are in constant turnover so that we can continue to function each day. Here is the problem with chronic pain and chronic issues. When we don’t allow our bodies to recover enough after persistent use then we end up with inflammatory processes that almost never end. This long-term exposure to the body’s natural response to healing becomes destructive. Tissues that are swimming with inflammation for long periods begin to degrade the cells to the point where they become inefficient and ineffective. Over time the inflammation also causes pain receptors to be over-excited so even a small stimulus will cause a pain signal to be sent to the brain.

Eventually, if pain and proper tissue health aren’t well maintained then other problems begin to arise down the road. Conditions such as arthritis, degenerative disc disease, osteoarthritis, bone spurs, and even natural spinal fusion are all things that come from repetitive overuse and chronic inflammation. Such conditions are not life sentences, however, they may seem scary or daunting but they can be managed and maintained.

Chronic pain can be complicated to manage and treat because of all the stated reasons and the physiological pathways behind inflammation and pain. The good news is that there are options to help with this kind of discomfort and pain.

In our clinic, we employ the use of Platelet Rich Plasma (or PRP) and Acoustic Wave therapy (or Shockwave therapy) to encourage the body to promote proper healing within the damaged tissue. Both therapies actually induce a small inflammatory response. How does that make sense when what has been discussed is that inflammation is a major contributor to chronic pain? With PRP and Shockwave therapy we actually want a small inflammatory response. The difference between the body’s natural inflammation cycle and one promoted by therapy is that the therapies do not cause cell damage and destruction. In repetitive overuse and trauma, there is damage done to the tissues and cells. The therapies of PRP and Shockwave only influence the inflammatory response while keeping the tissues intact. This is the best way for your body to engage and heal because it is no longer trying to remove cellular debris while trying to rebuild. Instead, all the body is focused on is healing and recovery.

PRP is a blood product that comes from whole blood that is drawn from a patient. That blood is then placed into a centrifuge and spun to separate the plasma and platelets from the red blood cells. Then the platelet-rich plasma portion is extracted and injected into the damaged, affected, or injured tissues. 

Platelets are produced in the human body and possess healing properties to help the body repair itself. In addition, the platelets also contain growth factors that promote the regeneration of tissues. This is a potent combination for the healing and regeneration of injured tissues. 

PRP is a great alternative to traditional allopathic injections such as cortisone as well as major surgery because it is non-invasive. Since PRP is naturally derived from the same person that is being injected there is little cause for concern about infection or tissue damage. PRP is used to augment the healing process, especially in areas where there is slow tissue repair and turnover. PRP is introduced to increase the body’s natural healing process. PRP is an agent used to heal rather than mask the symptoms of pain.

The best part about PRP is the growth factors that help to heal. It isn’t just an internal scab that is forming when PRP is introduced to the damaged tissue. Instead, these growth factors start a proliferation of new growth in the surrounding cells. So, if blood vessels have been damaged then new cells will replace the damaged ones. If the muscle has been torn then new cells will grow and help reassemble the tear. Any damage done to any cell can be replaced by new cells that PRP and growth factors are signaling the body to regenerate. Tissue can reform and return to full function.

PRP isn’t an immediate silver bullet of fixing an issue. PRP facilitates the body’s natural healing response but in a more dynamic way. The full effect of healing from PRP is over the course of 3-6 months. Enough time for cells to regenerate to their maximum potential and have long-lasting effects.

The whole process of PRP from drawing the blood to the final injection takes between 30-45 minutes. At the end of the treatment, patients may experience some discomfort at the injection site and most patients are able to continue with their normal activities the following day. Some people may not even notice after effects at all. PRP is fast, effective, and safe.

Shockwave therapy is somewhat similar to PRP in the fact that we are encouraging the body to do what it does best for healing. The difference is that it is completely non-invasive and works by sending strong concentrated sound waves into the tissue. These sound waves disrupt the cells by shaking them and making the cell walls more permeable. This is a great benefit in two ways. First, because of the permeability of the cells, they can easily send signals to the body and immune system to send pro-inflammatory and healing messengers to the damaged area. The second benefit is that these healing factors can then pass through the cell walls more easily thereby increasing the effectiveness of those healing factors.

Shockwave is a fast and easy therapy. Typically it only takes approximately 15 minutes. The therapy is done by exposing the affected area so that the skin is accessible. Then using the shockwave head, which is a soft silicon material, goes over the area. A water-based lubricating gel is used to help transmit the sound waves into the tissue just like when ultrasound is performed. Shockwave is often uncomfortable. Patients report a feeling of a deep ache each time the shockwave pulses into the tissue. Others state a sharp sensation similar to the pain they feel on a regular basis. This is where shockwave therapy really shines. By giving feedback to the person performing the therapy, the patient can identify the exact areas where they feel the discomfort and pain. Then the therapy is more effective because the exact areas of pain are being treated. It is also helpful for the person performing the therapy because it can be tailored to each individual patient by increasing or decreasing both the frequency and intensity of the therapy, thereby achieving the best results.

PRP and shockwave therapies work synergistically to promote a vast and effective healing combination that no other conservative treatments can readily provide. By working together PRP and shockwave boost the natural healing ability of the body. So, any chronic condition, or even a subacute injury, could greatly benefit from these two treatments working hand in hand. What we observe is that when PRP is done, growth factors flood the area, and when shockwave is included we can enhance the healing response to the area and encourage the cells to uptake the beneficial properties of PRP.

When your body recognizes that there is no longer a dysfunction and the chronic irritation that comes from overuse then there is true healing that is taking place. Because the tissues are no longer in a cycle of inflammation and remission there is no increased sensitivity and pain signals being broadcast. In short, there is a wide range of effects of healing and comfort. You can get back to playing your favorite sport as a weekend warrior, playing with your children or grandchildren, or simply having peace of mind when you want to do the things you want to do. Don’t let chronic pain hold you back. It can be overcome and managed in a way that doesn’t require surgery or months of physical therapy. We stress that just having these therapies done does not mean you will be cured. Chronic pain has its name for a reason it can come back. By working with knowledgeable, educated, and reliable healthcare providers chronic pain can be relieved and even eliminated, but it’s also a two-way street. We want our patients to have lasting pain relief and that comes from working together for the best long-lasting results. We will always examine and screen each patient who comes in to make sure they are a good candidate for these treatments.

At our clinic, we are dedicated to providing the best care possible. We screen each patient to ensure they are a good candidate for these treatments and work with you every step of the way to ensure the best long-lasting results. So why suffer in silence any longer? Contact us today to schedule your consultation and start your journey to a pain-free life.

In addition to the benefits of PRP and Shockwave Therapy, it’s important to note that these treatments are safe and effective. PRP is derived from your own blood, reducing the risk of infection or tissue damage. And Shockwave Therapy is non-invasive, meaning there’s no need for surgery or extensive recovery periods.

It’s also worth mentioning that these therapies are not an immediate fix. The healing process takes time, typically around 3-6 months, but the results are long-lasting and worth the wait. By promoting the body’s natural healing response, PRP and Shockwave Therapy provide a dynamic and effective solution for chronic pain.

It’s important to work with knowledgeable and reliable healthcare providers when seeking treatment for chronic pain. At our clinic, we have the expertise and experience to ensure that you receive the best care possible. We will examine and screen each patient to determine if they are a good candidate for these treatments and work with you to create a personalized plan that addresses your specific needs.

Don’t let chronic pain hold you back any longer. With the help of PRP and Shockwave Therapy, you can take control of your pain and get back to living the life you love. Contact us today to learn more about these innovative treatments and schedule your consultation.

If you’re considering surgery for chronic pain, it’s important to weigh the risks and benefits carefully. Surgery is a major medical procedure that carries significant risks, including infection, bleeding, and complications from anesthesia. It also involves a lengthy recovery period and can be expensive, both financially and emotionally.

In addition to these risks, surgery is not always effective in treating chronic pain. In fact, some studies have shown that surgery may only provide temporary relief or even worsen pain in some cases. This is especially true for conditions like degenerative disc disease or osteoarthritis, which are often caused by repetitive overuse or age-related wear and tear.

On the other hand, PRP and Shockwave Therapy are non-invasive treatments that work with your body’s natural healing process. They promote tissue regeneration and help to reduce inflammation and pain, providing long-lasting relief without the risks and drawbacks of surgery.

Furthermore, PRP and Shockwave Therapy are safe and effective options for people who may not be candidates for surgery due to other health issues or concerns. They offer a less invasive and more affordable option for chronic pain sufferers who want to avoid surgery.

In conclusion, surgery may not always be the best option for chronic pain sufferers. PRP and Shockwave Therapy offer safe and effective alternatives that work with your body’s natural healing process and can provide long-lasting relief without the risks and drawbacks of surgery. Contact us today to learn more about these innovative treatments and see if they are right for you.