Technology is both a blessing and a curse, in more ways than one! We reap the benefits of knowing at our fingertips 24/7, and access to so many conveniences in our lives. In fact, for most of us, the majority of our shopping, working, playing, and even socializing is done— online. Although technology has made our lives easy in many ways, it is taking its toll on our posture. Technology has produced ill-effects in the neck, and leading to chronic pain issues for many.
Forward head posture is becoming the norm, as people have their faces in their phones and computers more often than not! When you are young, you don’t feel the effects as readily;
however as time goes on and the years advance, you start to notice the long-term effects of forward head posture.
A common cause of chronic neck pain is bulging discs. Which is often a result of poor posture over a long period. The weight of the head pulls the neck forward and down, the pressure put on the discs is concentrated toward the spine.
Over time, the discs begin to bulge toward the nerve roots exiting the spine. If left uncorrected it can lead to compression on the nerves. When this occurs, the pain can radiate from the neck down the arms, and even into the hands. If left untreated, it can cause numbness, weakness, and even irreversible damage.
The best way to correct this issue long-term is, of course, a correction in posture! Once the symptoms have set in, the condition often requires some attention to get the pain and inflammation under control and help foster healing in the nerves and tissues surrounding the spine.

Neck Pain Treatment
A powerful treatment option to help correct this problem and prevent the need for surgical intervention is conservative decompression therapy. The term “decompression” when it comes to the spine simply means unloading of forces on the structures of the spine.
Most chronic pain in the spine is due to inflammation of surrounding soft tissues and is oftentimes a result of compression on the nerve roots that exit the spine. To “decompress” the spine means to remove the pressure that is causing the problem.
Surgical Decompression
Surgical decompression, of course, involves cutting away of tissues which are compressing the nerves. Conservative decompression, on the other hand, is used with manual or mechanical forces that shift the pressure away from the structures that are injured.
This is done mechanically by a machine which stabilizes the spine and then applies a gentle force to unload the discs, creating more space for blood to circulate and heal, and helping to relocate discs away from the nerve roots.
A 2017 meta-analysis of studies analyzed the effectiveness of cervical decompression in relieving neck pain. This report found that the treatment significantly reduced neck pain immediately following treatment.
Pain scores may also be reduced in the follow-up period. A 2014 study found that mechanical decompression was effective in treating people with pinched nerves and neck pain. Spinal decompression was more effective than exercising alone or exercising in addition to using over-door traction.
The best thing to do to prevent the occurrence of bulging discs in the neck is to establish good postural habits.
If you already have neck problems as a result of poor posture, we can address the postural problems that give rise to neck pain, as well as treat the discs and structures of the spine through decompression therapy for long-term relief of neck pain. Call or come in today for a consultation!
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