The term, “laser therapy” is intriguing to some, intimidating to others. Though it sounds like a pretty intense treatment option, there is actually little to no sensation during the session.
Though its application is gentle, its healing effects are profound. So let’s talk a little about what laser therapy is, and who might benefit from it.
What is Laser Therapy?
Laser therapy is a non-invasive procedure that creates a photochemical response in damaged or dysfunctional tissues. It has been found to reduce inflammation, accelerate healing, and eliminate pain in those suffering from acute and chronic clinical conditions.
Though laser has been used therapeutically as far back as the 70s, after clearance by the FDA in 2003 it became a standard of care for many clinics in treating musculoskeletal injuries.
How Does It Work?
It works by converting light into biochemical energy (similar to photosynthesis in plants) which creates “super cells” that expedite the healing process and get rid of pain. As opposed to muscle relaxers and pain killers, laser therapy stimulates the cells to heal themselves instead of masking the underlying issue.
When you feel better after a session, it’s because your body is actually healing and functioning at a higher level, not just because it is “numb to the pain” as with taking pills.

This type of therapy is not about covering up chronic pain, but about cultivating healthy tissue so that there is no more pain. It is a long-lasting, if not permanent, relief of symptoms.
Physiological Effects of Laser Therapy:
- Decreased pain levels
- Reduced inflammation
- Increased tissue proliferation & regeneration
- Accelerated soft tissue and bone repair
- Increased tissue tensile strength
- Enhanced nerve regeneration & function
- Increased cell metabolism
- Increased enzymatic responses
- Increased cell membrane potentials
- Increased microcirculation & vasodilation
- Increased lymphatic flow
- Increased collagen production
- Enhanced angiogenesis (creation of new blood vessels)
What Type of Laser Do We Use?
The type of laser used in our clinic is a Class IV laser, the most powerful laser made, which increases the depth of penetration and speed of healing. These powerful lasers can penetrate deep enough to even speed the healing of spinal discs. This enables us to help discs in roughly half the time we used to, and to be able to heal more severe disc herniations than we could.
By stimulating adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production and enhancing cell membrane permeability, a Class IV Laser helps deep, chronic injuries heal like never before seen. Though its effects are far-reaching, it is even safe to apply over metal implants, broken skin, and on acute injuries.
Some of the conditions which have been successfully treated with laser therapy include:

- Disc herniations
- Soft Tissue Injuries
- Tendinopathies
- Back and Neck Pain
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Myofascical Trigger Points
- Epicondylitis (Tennis Elbow and golfer’s elbow)
- Sprains, Strains, muscle “pulls”
- Repetitive Stress Injuries
- Chondromalacia Patellae
- Patello Femoral Syndrome
- Ilio Tibial Band Syndrome
- Plantar Fasciitis
- Degenerative Joint Conditions
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Osteoarthritis
- Neurogenic Pain
- Most Sports Injuries
- Shin Splints
How Many Sessions Does it Take?
Many patients note improvement in their condition in just one or two sessions. These sessions may be scheduled three to five times per week, until the condition is under control.
“I have found that laser therapy, combined with spinal decompression, results in therapeutic results that are unmatched. (I will discuss this powerful treatment combination in a subsequent blog post.)”
Dr. Ward Wagner
Call Our Office Today
If you think laser therapy might be the answer to your pain and dysfunction, call our office today and schedule a consultation to further discuss this treatment option.
Dixie Chiropractic | 435-673-1443 | 10 North 400 East | Saint George, Utah 84770 |
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