Hi. Always fun this is going to be a great show, disk bulges, lasers, and decompression.
A [00:20]:That’s right. Yes. Love this topic.
Q [00:23]:All right, so let’s start. It’s important for our listeners to hear about you, and why you’re a chiropractor. Why do you love injuries so much? That’s a strange thing and give us a little bit about your credentials. Good to hear.
A [00:38]:Okay. Yeah. So, love injury, because I love helping people, and I’ll talk about that in a second. But why I’m a chiropractor? It’s because of my first experience with extreme low back pain, the type I woke up, it was after a hard day’s work, felt a little pain when I went to bed, but when I woke up in the morning, I couldn’t move. It took me 10 minutes to sit up. I couldn’t put on my shoes. I couldn’t bend. It was so debilitating, and even talking about it, people who’ve never experienced this, just don’t understand.
Q [01:17]:But if you have, I’m going, oh, I know those kinds of discs pain.
A [01:21]:No, those days. Yeah.
Q [01:22]:It can really…
A [01:23]:So I called into work, and I said to my supervisor, I can’t make it in. He said, look, you got to go see my chiropractor. Well, I didn’t know what a chiropractor wasI think I had heard the term, but I didn’t know what it was.So, he said look just trust me go see him. I did, and one adjustment walked out of his office 90% better. I mean, it was simply amazing to me because here I am in my early twenties,and I have had injuries, sports injuries, and all kinds of stuff. And it was always waited out, you know take some drugs, wrap it up.
Q [02:07]:Ice pack and off your go be tough.
A [02:08]:Yeah. Wait till it gets better. Try to tough it out, and so that was huge to me, and it was only…
Q [02:17]:Magic.
A [02:18]:That’s what it felt like right?About two years later I was in chiropractic school.
Q [02:25]:That did it for you.
A [02:26]:It did. Yeah.
Q [02:28]:So you also have other credentials, we’ve talked about this. You go down to court right?
A [02:36]:Yes. So, I go down to Vegas once a month, I do impairment ratings for workers’ comp down there. So, Nevada works a little bit differently. Every time a doctor at the end of treatment says they have a possible permanent impairment, or if they’ve even had any kind of surgery because of their injury, then they’re automatically sent for an impairment rating.
Q [03:02]:Interesting.
A [03:02]:And I’m on a large panel of doctors where we do those. I’m on a rotation where every time my name comes to the top, then it’s kicked off to me. So, I’m down doing down there doing several of those a month, I book them all in one day. That’s a small part of my practice, but it’s a great way for me to stay on top of cutting-edge medicine. I really love doing that.
Q [03:27]:Now. I remember when you told me about your wife’s accident or numerous accidents, right?
A [03:33]:It’s actually numerous accidents, her first accident she was T-boned driving home is actually about the first year. That same year I was injured at work. Well, she was, T-boned a guy who ran a stop sign, hitting her,he’s going about 35,she’s doing about 35 and…
Q [03:59]:Not a good day.
A [04:00]:Knocked her off the road. It was terrible. Yes. And she ended up under chiropractic care.Got pretty much fixed up. Well, the problem is my wife has been hit at least six times since then if I tally them all up really. And they have been a major impact. She’s been rear-ended a couple of times, there was a second T-Bone, and then there are a couple of minor ones. The problem is I can’t adjust to her anymore. Her neck is so sloppy for lack of a better word. The ligaments are so overstretched and so much damage has been done.
Q [04:47]:From all of those.
A [04:48]:Yes. That she can’t tolerate chiropractic care. That’s part of what got me looking into other avenues that are gentler and better for fixing things that aren’t just mechanical pain in the spine
Q [05:03]:Yeah. You are not the, just crack the neck thing. That’s not what you’re about. Well, over the years, we’ve talked many times about laser decompression and all of that. So, I’d love to get into that today and of course, primarily can surgery be avoided by using decompression therapy?
A [05:26]:Oh, absolutely. Yes. We fix a lot of bulging, herniated, protruding extrusion herniations in discs, highly successful. Of course, I put people through my screening process because I don’t just do it on everybody. Not all disc problems are the same.
Q [05:52]:Are treated the same. That makes sense.
A [05:53]:Right. So, we’re looking for compressive issues,we’re looking for movement disorders, we’re looking for stabilization problems. I go through my examination which puts people into a category, and then we do what’s best for them.
Q [06:10]:So how does someone know, hey, I’ve got a herniated disc. I mean, it’s not just from an accident,
A [06:17]:Right? It can be but no, I mean, posture, we have so many sedentary people in our population now, and the thing that most people don’t realize is that living a sedentary lifestyle, sitting at a computer as a secretary, or being a programmer…
Q [06:38]:DJ. Yeah.
A [06:40]:DJ.
Q [06:42]:I need to stand up.
A [06:43]:Sedentary sitting lifestyle is not really what the human frame is made for. I think the great creator designed us to be up and moving and doing so, but that’s the society we live in so, there it is. We coach people on how to do that better to minimize the risk, but those are what we see even more often than construction workers, masons, and roofers, which is surprising.
Q [07:11]:That is surprising actually. Because you think about a roofer, someone hauling big loads and ouch you’d think that’s where…
A (07:21]:Right. Yeah. And they’re bent so much, especially a roofer. They are bent over all day long nailing [inaudible 07:28]
Q [07:28]:But in shape right?
A [07:28]:And things like that, but they’re using their core muscles and that’s the difference that makes them a little better than those who sit sedentarily. Truckers are another one that comes to mind long haul truck drivers really struggle because here they are relaxed in a comfortable seat, but they’re in that flex position, which rides the discs a little heavier and mile after mile. They, lose a lot of that core stability and can have back problems because of it.
Q [08:05]:So that’s how discs herniate?
A [08:09]:That is.
Q [08:09]:Sitting?
A [08:10]:Sitting is one, bending, there can be traumas.
Q [08:15]:So accidents, car accidents,
A [08:16]:Car accidents, whiplash-type injuries, the thing surprising there is that people will whiplash in the low back and cause a disc injury almost as frequently as in the neck, which is surprising to most people because most people when they think of whiplash, they think of the neck
Q [08:33]:Automatically. Yeah. That makes sense.
A [08:36]:But I’d say it’s about, oh, it’s probably about if necks are a hundred percent of the time low backs or 80% of the time.
Q [08:46]:That much, that’s surprising to me.
A (08:49):Yeah. It’s pretty close.
Q [08:49]: Okay. So how does decompression work? Let’s talk neck andback.

A [08:56]:Spinal decompression is basically the process of de-stressing the disc and vacuuming what’s called the “Nucleus pulposus” back into its normal position. So, we call it a “vacuum phenomenon”. So, a bulge, a herniation is just what you’re thinking of. It’s part of that disc bulging out outside of its zone, putting pressure on nerves, causing pain, causing sciatica, and causing numb arms, depending on the location. And so, we vacuum that disc in to get it off the nerve. And then as we’re going to talk about in a minute, we add laser therapy to that to strengthen it and get it to hold better.
Q [09:52]:Makes sense. All right. You are listening to the B Pain Free Radio Show, Dr. Ward Wagner of Dixie Chiropractic. The number to call is 6731443, you can also head on over to their website they’ve got a great website, Dixie chiro.com.And Dr. Wagner, I would love for you to give our listeners an offer because they’re sitting there driving and they’re, realizing that they’ve got sciatica and pained backs.
A [10:26]:Right. Okay. So, what we are offering is it’s $99 to come in and see me for an initial examination and consultation, where I go through my screening process to see the reason for the back pain or the neck pain or whatever the case may be. Along with that, we also offer two free decompression and two free laser treatments.
Q [10:55]:Wow. So, both altogether.
A [10:56]:Yes.
Q [10:57]:It’s a great opportunity. And now you need to go through the process of the exam and consultation to know if that will benefit the patient, is that right?
A [11:07]:Yes. It’s not just a matter of you coming in with low back pain and I say, okay, let’s give this a try. I like to have high predictors as to whether or not this is going to work. And so yes,I do my examination to see if you fit that compressive issue, which typically means bulging or herniated or protruding disc. And if that’s the category that you fit, then we go ahead and move forward with the trial.
Q [11:39]:Excellent. So, let’s see, you kind of did the teases about laser therapy. You do decompression in combination with laser therapy.
A [11:49]:Yes. So, I began decompression a little over 15 years ago and got great results. I took my training from a medical group who was the original decompression guy that invented it, so to speak. Well at least one of the doctors on the team, started his own series of seminars. And the reason I went with him is that he wasn’t just simply a guy trying to sell a decompression table. In fact, he was the one that said, look, you can use whatever table you’ve got you’ve just got to learn the technique. It’s more about the doctor than it is the table.
Q [12:41]:Making sure the patient’s getting what they need.
A [12:44]:Yes. Because so many things are positioned dependent. Poundage dependent and conditioned dependent. So that was my original training. Well, that same group as I was going through a series of seminars, which was over a hundred hours, they started talking about laser and therapeutic lasers and how they would help speed the healing of these discs. And I was skeptical because knowing like most people about laser, you’re thinking laser surgeries, you’re thinking I know this is a highly condensed beam of light, but what, you know, what’s this really going to do? And so,it took me about four years to finally decide to give it a try. And when I did, it was tremendous. They actually gave me a loaner machine. I brought it to my office. I started treating those that I was already doing disc work on, and the results were phenomenal. And so, we’ve been able to cut our treatment times in half. It’s been awesome.
Q [13:59]:That’s huge. So, the decompression along with the laser therapy, a lot of people go, oh, laser and as I always bring up, when you think laser, you think Star Wars and that is not what you’re talking about.
A [14:13]:Right. So, this is infrared light. Infrared light is invisible to the human eye. The only danger with it, there is no danger other than we got to wear goggles when we’re doing this. Because infrared light can injure the retina, but this penetrates deep, deep down as far as discs it speeds up the healing of the disc. It’s basically an endorphin releaser that helps generate more [inaudible00:14:53] and helps with regeneration speeding regeneration or increasing metabolism of the area. So that’s how it works.
Q [15:05]:Okay. That makes sense. Total sense. So, what does a laser do for the herniated disc?
A [15:13]:Yeah. So, that speeding of the healing basically when we vacuumso you have to imagine what a herniated disc is that’s where you have some tearing in the disc. That’s what herniation means in medical terms. So, you have torn fragments of the annual fibers, which are the outside of the disc. And that bulges out towards the nerve root it’s painful in and of itself. But when it’s really bad and it’s putting pressure on a nerve root, then you’ll get sciatic pain down the leg, you’ll get numbness, tingling, whatever the case may be. And by the way, this can also happen in the arms. You can get numbness and tingle in the arm from a neck disc bulge or herniation.
Q [16:06]:That’s good to know.
A [16:07]:So we vacuum the decompression is an actual vacuuming in of that disc. And then we shine the laser in there to speed the healing so that it strengthens around it and stops it from bulging anymore.
Q [16:22]:I love that. That’s great. So, I’m sure you have lots of success stories. Why don’t you share something with us?
A [16:30]:So I’m thinking of Nelson 85-year-old male. Long time, multiple disc herniations he had radiation in both of his legs. Okay. So, by radiation, I mean that burning, tingling, numbness going down his butt, down his legs all the way to his feet.
Q [16:55]:And a lot of times you automatically think it’s maturity. Right.
A [16:59]:Yeah a lot. Well, it’s true so many people out there in the public, they just figure, this is I’m getting old, and this is the way it is. And, you know, take some ibuprofen, those kinds of things. Well, he was even having difficulty walking because he was starting to lose strength now, my caveat to this is I have so many patients that come into my office and they will say things like, I think it’s just a pinched nerve. Okay. now just the pinch nerve is really bad. But a lot of people come in and say that, and what they really mean is I’ve got kind of sharp pain in this one location. That’s not a pinched nerve when you got a pinched nerve it is shooting somewhere.
Q [17:48]: You know it.
A [17:52]:Yeah. You know, it’s totally different. So, with that radiation down the legs, that’s where it becomes serious because in his case now, it’s starting to affect not only the pain fibers of the nerve but the motor fibers, when you start losing strength, that is a serious, serious condition. And that’s where he was. He was having difficulty walking because his legs were becoming weaker. This is what we call “partial paralysis”. All right. So, this is bad. Anyway, within three weeks, strength back, no more radiation into his legs, and no low back pain. It was an awesome case. And this is an 85-year-old gentleman.
Q [18:41]:That’s huge. Well, and that’s with decompression and laser together. Is that right?
A [18:47]:Yes. I always combine the two, I get the best results that way.
Q [18:51]:That’s great. Dr. Ward Wagner, you’re listening to the BPain Free radio show, Dixie Chiropractic. And today Dr. Wagner’s offering our listeners a wonderful offer for $99 you get the initial exam consultation with Dr. Wagner as well as two free decompression and laser treatments. If that’s what your body needs, you’ll have that exam and consultation with Dr. Wagner. This is a great opportunity, Dr. Wagner, and your staff at your office they’re great super friendly, helpful and certainly they can just call and say, hey, I was listening to Dr. Wagner I need to come on in 435-673-1443.
A [19:39]:I do have to plug my staff. I love them. they love what they do. They see what happens with these patients. And they’re a big part of their healing too because they are assisting and helping do a lot of this work. And yes, patients just love my staff.
Q [19:56]:And I’ve benefited by coming in and dealing with your staff as well. Really great people. So, what made you decide to start using therapeutic lasers there in your office?
A [20:07]:You know, it was research. I was being told about it and I was hearing about it, but it took to research, but I guess the thing that really pushed me over the edge was when they finally said, look, just take the machine and give it a try you’ll be amazed. And so that’s what I did. So, I jumped in.
Q [20:31]:You did a test drive,Right?
A [20:32]:I did. It was a lot of research but, the tremendous successes that have come from it have just completely reinforced that I’m still kind of shocked by how incredible that machine is. What you find is if you look at professional athletic teams, they have lasers, they’re physical therapists, trainers they have lasers in the treatment facilities of all professional teams now. It’s pretty amazing.
Q [21:07]:Well, and we’ve talked in the past, I’m bringing up our old past shows, but you’ve talked about it. This is not just the neck and back. Right? This is you can use laser therapy on elbows and knees and stuff also.
A [21:22]:Oh yeah. So, probably the most common things I use for herniated discs are number one, rotator cuff, tears, sprain strange, tennis elbow, tailbone pain, which is an interesting one, it really is amazing there are people have falls under the tailbone,patella tendonitis those are interestingand probably my very top treatment protocols.
Q [21:54]:Well, and you have an exceptional laser, so what makes your laser different than the others?
A [21:59]:It is the strongest made. I do have the strongest laser in the area. You can feel it. So, some people have come into my office, and they’ve said I’ve had laser before it didn’t help much. And the first question I will ask them is, well, what did you feel when they were doing it? And they said, oh, they kind of said it on me and walked away. And I said really, and it wasn’t cooking you? I mean, I say that little tongue in cheek, but it is true. We have to do it manually and we have to keep that thing moving this is a powerful laser. So, if you’ve had laser before and you couldn’t feel it, it’s just not penetrating most likely to the tissues that need it.
Q [22:46]:That makes total sense. You are listening to the BPain Free Radio Show with Dr. Ward Wagner Dixie Chiropractic. Dr. Wagner’s offering our listeners today, a $99 initial examine consultation with him, as well as two free decompression and laser treatments if that’s something in that examine consult makes sense. So come on in, try it there is nothing to lose, but your pain.
A [23:17]:Amen.
Q [23:18]:All right. Share your stories. These are always great. I love to hear it.
A [23:21]:Oh, thank you. Yeah. I’ve got two others. Rebecca is a 66-year-old female that came in. Chronic, low back pain with left-sided sciatica, but then it started going down both legs. After she went for a chiropractic visit. And I hate to pick on my profession, but this was the reality of what she came in with, she was looking for something different because she was getting worse under chiropractic care. Anyway 17 visits later, nerve pain, all completely gone, much better is an incredible case.
Q [24:02]:Wow. And boy, if you’ve ever had sciatica,it just makes it unbearable.
A [24:09]:Right. These people really suffer that have this. Another one is Ken. Now this little bit of a younger crowd. Ken’s only 43 years old, a male. He had an acute pinch nerve, a lot of times people are coming into me. I’m not meeting him for a year, at least a year after they’ve been in pain. He came in more of an acute injury. His was only, I believe, less than a month. He had disc herniations that were causing radiation into his right gluten hip so, we started his protocol. He actually got better, faster than most number one because of his age, number two because it was more of an acute injury. Anyway, 11 visits, which is better than usual pain istotally gone.
Q [25:08]:And that was decompression and laser?
A [25:10]:Decompression and laser.
Q [25:12]:It’s a great combination. Okay. That’s exciting if you have pain if you’re feeling what we’re talking about, the number to call is 435-673-1443. Hey, just tell the staff at Dixie Chiropractic listen, I was listening to Dr. Wagner, I would like to take advantage of the offer he’s making today, $99 initial exam consultation as well as two free decompression and laser treatments. Dr. Wagner, this is always a pleasure. Love your stories and the information. It’s very helpful. Thanks for coming in today.
A [25:50]:Thank you so much
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