Dixie Chiropractic. You’re on the road. The good health you want to B Pain Free call 673-1443.
Andi [00:14]: Welcome to the B Pain Free Radio Show. I’m Andy Jensen and with me, I have Dr. Ward Wagner of Dixie Chiropractic here.
Dr. Ward Wagner [00:23]: Hi, Andy.
Andi [00:24]: Hi. How are you today?
Dr. Ward Wagner [00:25]: I’m doing well.
Andi [00:26]: Always fun to have you and learn more about chiropractic. There’s so much, which.
Dr. Ward Wagner [00:34]: There is.
Andi [00:34]: With me when I first met you. I thought of chiropractic as you know, spine.
Dr. Ward Wagner [00:40]: Right. Well, and this show today, my plan is to not even talk chiropractic at all.
Andi [00:46]: Okay.
Dr. Ward Wagner [00:46]: Today my focus is something a lot more technologically advanced than chiropractic.
Andi [00:52]: Well, you always have the latest and greatest. So tell us a little bit, first let’s start with your background and what got you into chiropractic.
Dr. Ward Wagner [01:00]: Chiropractic for me, it was primarily my own injury that took me down that path. Having been an athlete, having been a worker construction, you know other…
Andi [01:15]: Hard on your body…
Dr. Ward Wagner [01:16]: Hard on my body type; labor and things that put me through school. I’ve had my share of injuries andso it was kind of a natural progression to go this way.
Andi [01:29]:Well, so with chiropractic, I guess there’s certain schooling that you get education, and then you get additional credentials as you go along. Is that correct?
Dr. Ward Wagner [01:40]: Right. So after obtaining my Doctorate in Chiropractic then I pursued further. And it was actually interesting how this worked out, but a couple years into practice, I was approached by an insurance company and they wanted me to do some second opinion work for them. Well, as I started getting into that, then I started taking more, continuing education, which led me to a group called American Board of Independent Medical Examiners, and so I got my certification through them. So I’m an independent medical examiner, also certified as an impairment rating specialist as well.
Andi [02:22]: Interesting.
Dr. Ward Wagner [02:23]: And so both of those have set me apart from most in my profession.
Andi [02:27]: Right. Well, and your office, you offer I think, alternatives that many do not.
Dr. Ward Wagner [02:37]: Absolutely. Yes. We, do have many therapies in our office and some that no one in the area even has. In fact,one therapy; the one that we’re going to talk about today, it’s proper name, actually a Scrambler Therapy, but here in America, we’ve called it Calmare.
Andi [02:56]: Calmare. Okay. I’ve seen it on the website, always hard to pronounce. I wasn’t positive, okay.
Dr. Ward Wagner [03:01]: Yeah. Calmare, it’s this machine hails from Italy Giuseppe Marinaro is the developer. He discovered this therapy years ago. He’s a bioelectric engineer and he developed this a few years ago, it became FDA approved in 2009 or 2010.
Andi [03:25]: Okay.
Dr. Ward Wagner [03:25]: Anyway, fascinating therapy. What this does is this helps get rid of neuropathic pain. And what I wanted to focus on today with this therapy is actually more on the cancer part of it; how this helps people with cancer pain.
Andi [03:41]: Interesting. Okay. Well, take it away because I’m not familiar with it at all.

Dr. Ward Wagner [03:46]:Cancer pain or what we would call Oncologic Pain, is pain that stems from tissue destruction ,because of cancer lesions occurring in the body and then closely related to that would be, what we call Chemotherapy Induced Peripheral Neuropathy.
Andi [04:03]: Okay.
Dr. Ward Wagner [04:04]: Or CIPN. And I know I’m throwing out some big words, anyone who is related to or knows someone with cancer or is undergoing.
Andi [04:12]: Right.
Dr. Ward Wagner [04:12]:Chemotherapy will know more of what I’m talking about here, but these kinds of pain are unrelenting, tractable pain in many cases, intractable, meaning that non-responsive to drugs.
Andi [04:26]: Which is hard, not only on the cancer patient, but on the loved ones that are having to watch you go through It.
Dr. Ward Wagner [04:34]: Absolutely, yeah. These kinds of disease processes are of course highly emotional and very trying for people. So these two kinds along with many others respond very well to calmare therapy or scrambler therapy. And the way the process works is this, let’s say someone has this pain and it’s in their hip.
Andi [05:02]: Right.
Dr. Ward Wagner [05:02]: A common thing chemotherapy after someone’s gone through a round of that, then they will be left with pain in certain areas. This pain is not necessarily tissue destruction, but it’s more of a neurologic issue.
Andi [05:19]: Okay.
Dr. Ward Wagner [05:20]: So this calmare therapy or the scrambler therapy, what we do is, we connect the electrodes to the person. So this is non-invasive.
Andi [05:28]: Okay, right.
Dr. Ward Wagner [05:28]: These are just Electrode pads that we stick on an individual. And when we turn on the machine, what it will do is it will give them a sensation of tingling and those kinds of things. But what happens is they notice that their pain just goes away.
Andi [05:46]: In their body.
Dr. Ward Wagner [05:47]: They cannot feel it anymore, and that’s where the term scrambler therapy came from.
Andi [05:52]: Right.
Dr. Ward Wagner [05:52]: If you remember police officers have their radar guns.
Andi [05:58]: Sure.
Dr. Ward Wagner [05:58]: And the radar gun tracks your speed. But if you have a scrambler device, these were really big.
Andi [06:05]: I remember, yeah.
Dr. Ward Wagner [06:06]: So if you had a scrambler in your car, then that would send a signal that would mess with the…
Andi [06:11]: Scrambler.
Dr. Ward Wagner [06:12]: Machine mess with the radar, being able to track your speed. Now the car, you still may be doing 90 miles an hour, but the radar gun can’t detect it. Well, that’s what’s happening with this scrambler therapy in your body. We connect the electrodes; this pain signal is scrambled, so to speak. And so your brain cannot perceive it anymore.
Andi [06:33]: Body doesn’t hurt anymore.
Dr. Ward Wagner [06:35]: Exactly.
Andi [06:36]: Interesting.
Dr. Ward Wagner [06:36]: But then what happens, the beauty of this is, then your body starts to send what they refer to as a “no pain signal”. In other words, it rewrites the neuro signature so that there is no pain felt in that area, and with progressive treatments, that pain relief gets longer, and typically is gone.
Andi [06:59]: So this is something that you can do additional. So you do it throughout your chemotherapy or after chemotherapy? How does that work?
Dr. Ward Wagner [07:08]: Yeah, when the pain starts because not everyone suffers.
Andi [07:11]: Right.
Dr. Ward Wagner [07:11]: With post chemo neuropathy.
Andi [07:13]: Okay.
Dr. Ward Wagner [07:14]: But many do. And so those that do, yeah, this doesn’t work as a preventative, which is.
Andi [07:21]: Sure.
Dr. Ward Wagner [07:21]: I’m glad you brought that up, because that’s a really good point; there’s nothing preventative about this. In fact, if someone who’s been suffering with pain comes in and I start treating them and after 10 treatments, they come in and they say, I can’t feel any pain, I have no pain today.
Andi [07:38]: Nice.
Dr. Ward Wagner [07:38]: Then I say, okay, well, come back when you do, because…
Andi [07:41]: Right.
Dr. Ward Wagner [07:41]: It’s not going to do any good to treat something that’s not there.
Andi [07:43]: Not there, understood.
Dr. Ward Wagner [07:44]: The pain is the disease in these cases. And so, there has to be pain in order to treat.
Andi [07:53]:Now, I get on your website; you’ve got a really user friendly website,which if our listeners want to check that out is dixiechiro.com and you can actually go get on there and see the Calmare machine.
Andi [08:09]: You can see the machine.
Andi [08:10]: It does give you other indications of why would you need this other reasons why. And of course, low back pain, which many of us have in, once you do, it’s chronic, you get that.
Dr. Ward Wagner [08:22]: Right. There are a number of different things that this is good for. Primarily what I teach people is that we have to distinguish what the pain comes from.
Andi [08:34]: Okay.
Dr. Ward Wagner [08:34]: Where it comes from.
Andi [08:35]: Right, makes sense.
Dr. Ward Wagner [08:36]: And what’s causing it in order to be able to treat with the calmare or a scrambler device. And so let’s talk about if you had a disc herniated disc.

Andi [08:49]: Okay.
Dr. Ward Wagner [08:49]: That’s putting…
Dr. Ward Wagner [08:50]: Pressure on a nerve, this will not help that.
Andi [08:52]: Okay.
Dr. Ward Wagner [08:53]: Because something outside the nerve is causing pressure and pain and therefore you feel it. So we have to actually fix the disc in those cases, but conditions such as a true sciatica, that’s a nerve issue.
Andi [09:11]: Right.
Dr. Ward Wagner [09:11]: And is not related to a disc.
Andi [09:13]: Okay.
Dr. Ward Wagner [09:14]: Or even failed back surgeries. So they’ve gone in, they’ve removed the disc issue, but the person still has the perception of pain and…
Andi [09:21]: Which is often the case.
Dr. Ward Wagner [09:23]: Very often 40% of the time back surgeries fail. And so there is a high fail rate.
Andi [09:30]: Okay.
Dr. Ward Wagner [09:31]: Brachial Plexus Pain.
Dr. Ward Wagner [09:37]: Again, one of those things that you would have to know, but that’s an upper extremity issue. Peripheral neuropathy, idiopathic peripheral neuropathy, or what people just call neuropathy is that affects 20 million Americans.
Andi [09:54]: Right.
Dr. Ward Wagner [09:54]: But most people don’t even hear about neuropathy or know what it is until over the age of about 50, because that’s typically…
Andi [10:02]: When it starts to kick in.
Dr. Ward Wagner [10:03]: When starting with…
Andi [10:04]: So are you talking about Fibromyalgia pain and that type of pain?
Dr. Ward Wagner [10:08]: Yeah. Fibromyalgia is a whole different syndrome and class…
Andi [10:11]: Different ball-game, okay.
Dr. Ward Wagner [10:12]: Within Itself. It does help fibromyalgia. The difficulty with fibromyalgia though, if it’s the type where the pain is always moving around.
Andi [10:20]: Which is common.
Dr. Ward Wagner [10:22]: Yeah.
Andi [10:23]: Right.
Dr. Ward Wagner [10:23]: Then we end up chasing symptoms with this thing. And so while it’s helpful, it takes longer.
Andi [10:29]: Right. Now I remember you talked about the Phantom limb pain, which I thought was really interesting, never occurred to me once again.
Dr. Ward Wagner [10:39]:Right. Phantom limb pain is kind of the epitome of what this can help, because here you’ve got perception of pain in your right toe, but you don’t even have a right leg.
Andi [10:53]: So diabetic patients often, I guess have situations like that.
Dr. Ward Wagner [10:57]: Diabetic patients, they do. So yes, any neuropathy type issue and anyone who fits that class, but on the Phantom pain issue where someone is missing a limb butt yet they have the pain signal being sent. This is actually very effective in those cases.
Andi [11:19]: We talked and I bring it up again because it’s so interesting. You’ve had clients that you’ve worked with, for example, you had a burn survivor and…
Dr. Ward Wagner [11:31]: That is right.
Andi [11:34]: To me. This is something that this machine that you have; a calmare, can help someone that’s been in a burn situation. Is that correct?
Dr. Ward Wagner [11:43]: That is correct. In fact, he responded very remarkably to this therapy, along with our laser and decompression. Dave is his name. He was lit on fire by his father when he was the age of six, and he survived; 90% burns all over his body and he lived. I met him in Las Vegas in, 14, we started doing this therapy on him and he had immediate relief. It was amazing to see him sit there in that chair, and we even have a video on the website talking about him. He was kind enough to tell his story to us.
Andi [12:29]: Right.
Dr. Ward Wagner [12:29]: But that same video, we actually sent him to the doctor’s show. And we aired on that show in January 2015…
Andi [12:35]: Interesting.
Dr. Ward Wagner [12:35]: Couple minutes after treating him. It was, yeah, amazing story. So you can find those on the website.
Andi [12:43]: That is on your website as well. And what about our local Santa Clara boy that was hit by lightning? I remember that plain as day.
Dr. Ward Wagner [12:51]: Right. This machine took care of his nerve pain. Same thing, he was struck by lightning, his nerves were fried and that was…
Andi [13:00]: I can imagine, right.
Dr. Ward Wagner [13:01]: [Cross-Talking 00:13:01] Canyon High School.
Andi [13:02]: Right.
Dr. Ward Wagner [13:03]: But in those nerves being fried, he had all manner of pain, all coursing all throughout his body.
Andi [13:09]: I can imagine.
Dr. Ward Wagner [13:10]: And it was un-retractable, drugs, nothing was touching it. This calmare took care of all of his nerve pain.
Andi [13:18]: That’s amazing.
Dr. Ward Wagner [13:18]: Another amazing story. And his actually aired, that was back in 2010, KSL came down and did a story on him.
Andy Jensen [13:28]: That’s amazing. Well, I remember when that happened, young man.
Dr. Ward Wagner [13:32]: Right.
Andi [13:32]: And let’s talk about an offer that you are willing to give to our listeners, because I think this is huge. And if you do have this kind of pain, you can relate and you get it. Dr. Wagner is offering today a special of $99. Is that right for your initial exam and consult?
Dr. Ward Wagner [13:55]: Right, $99 for the exam and consultation. And then we will do one free calmare treatment or scrambler therapy treatment along with that for free. And then along with all of that, we also will give a one hour massage for free as well.
Andi [14:13]: Wow. And you have amazing employees. There are a couple masseuses that you have that are really excellent, well trained, been there a long time.
Dr. Ward Wagner [14:22]: Absolutely. Yes, they are fantastic. I handpicked my
Massage therapist. I’m not afraid to say that they do have to work on me in order to be hired and they are tremendous. Yes. Misty and Jennifer both are fantastic.
Andi [14:36]: So for you listeners out there give Dr. Wagner’s office a call. Who will they get a hold of, is that Jenny there at the office?
Dr. Ward Wagner [14:46]: Actually, Laura is our Office Manager. She will answer most of your calmare questions.
Andi [14:51]: Okay.
Dr. Ward Wagner [14:52]: The number is 673-1443, and we’re right on the corner of Tabernacle and Flood Street near the roundabout.

Andi [15:02]: Okay. 10 north 400 east, right at the roundabout, great location, very nice office, very comfortable. And if you want to check out the website, which I really strongly suggest you do, it’s very user friendly, very informative; dixiechiro.com. And once again, Dr. Wagner’s offering for listeners right now, $99 for an initial exam and consultation, plus a free calmare treatment and a one hour massage, which is really amazing. And,what a great opportunity it is.
Dr. Ward Wagner [15:36]: It’s a huge cost savings. We’re basically giving it’s what they call a loss leader. I’ve learned that here at the radio station, but a loss leader, meaning we lose little money on it, but it’s because the hope is that we can inform more people about what we’re doing and what we’re able to fix.
Andi [15:53]: Well, you have so many different options there in your office. Oftentimes people think of a chiropractic office as a neck ,back, and there’s so many things that you can offer and this calmare machine, the scrambler, I like that name, really can help so many people with so many different pains.
Dr. Ward Wagner [16:19]: Right, the most. So when people are considering this therapy, the thing I try to tell them is number one, it has to kind of start an end in nerve tissue; it’s a hammer blow to the ahead. This isn’t necessarily going to fix. You just have to heal from other methods on that.
Andy Jensen [16:37]: Understood.
Dr. Ward Wagner [16:38]: But, if you’ve got neuropathy as, any part of your diagnosis, so, europathic pain, idiopathic, peripheral neuropathy, chemo induced peripheral neuropathy, all these things, they fit the category that this can help. In fact, most of the studies done have been with chemotherapy patients. And what they’ve discovered is that 72% of the patients no longer need drugs after being treated with the scrambler therapy.
Andi [17:14]: That’s amazing. I was reading actually, you’ve got a really great brochure that talks about the percentage and the terminal cancer patients that really you can help them from the suffering that they have; constant suffering.
Dr. Ward Wagner [17:29]: Absolutely. There are sometimes where people, the drugs, intractable cancer pain means that the person can’t take something and feel better, right? So here, not only are they terminally ill, but they’re in so much excruciating pain that, these are the type of people that do not want to live anymore.
Andy Jensen [17:51]: Right, just breaks your heart.
Dr. Ward Wagner [17:52]: Want to end it soon. And so absolutely, scrambler therapy is fantastic for those people because they can significantly reduce their cancer pain in many cases.
Andi [18:05]: So amazing. So if you know, someonethat has been suffering, maybe going through chemo treatment and having that pain, have them call Dr. Ward Wagner, his number once again is 673-1443, Dixie chiropractic, such a nice office, great employees there, there located at 10 north 400 east here in St. George at the roundabout.
Dr. Ward Wagner [18:30]:Now, the way we test, if this device, this scrambler therapy or calmare therapy is going to be effective, is that we hook a person up to it and we turn it on.
Andi [18:43]: It’s non-invasive, so…
Dr. Ward Wagner [18:44]:Non-Invasive, right.
Andi [18:45]: Easy.
Dr. Ward Wagner [18:46]: We put a couple sticky electrodes.
Andi [18:47]: Okay.
Dr. Ward Wagner [18:47]: And we turn up the machine to your tolerance. And what a person will feel is this tingling sensation occurring under the electrodes. And the result we’re looking for is while they’re hooked up to the machine, they cannot feel their original pain anymore.
Andi [19:10]: Okay.
Dr. Ward Wagner [19:10]: It’s an amazing feeling for them. And I just had a new patient I was in with this morning and we were joking about it, because when he and I were joking about it, because it’s the same reaction, I’ll turn it on. And then I’ll sit there and talk to the person for a minute.
Andi [19:27]: Right.
Dr. Ward Wagner [19:27]: And ask him more detail about their history and things like that. And after about three minutes, then I’ll say, okay, aside from the tingling you’re feeling from this machine right now, what do you feel as far as your original symptoms? And it’s funny, because they start looking around.
Andi [19:43]: You have to think about it yeah.
Dr. Ward Wagner [19:44]: Their eyeballs start going back and forth and they’re thinking about it and they say, all I can feel this machine. And that’s exactly what we’re looking for, is scrambling of the original symptoms. If we can do that with this machine, then that’s a really good sign that you can be helped, that you can be cured from your pain.
Andi [20:08]: And it’s not painful. I this something similar to a, a tens unit?
Does it feel similar to that?
Dr. Ward Wagner [20:14]:It does feel similar, but anyone who’s had a lot of tens or muscle stem therapy or anything like that, they do notice a huge difference.
Andi [20:22]: Okay.
Dr. Ward Wagner [20:22]: And of course the main difference is those modalities do not excite the same nerve fibers.
Andi [20:30]: Right.
Dr. Ward Wagner [20:31]: That this one does. And so they just don’t get the same results. This one actually, rewrites neurosignatures, actually helps the body heal. Those, therapies just simply do not.
Andi [20:44]: Right. So this is not scary. This is wonderful. If you’ve had chronic pain, give a phone call today to Dixie chiropractic, Dr. Ward Wagner, and go check out his office, see how many different opportunities. I mean, there’s so much there now. You also–and I have to have to stick this in— you’ve got acupuncture, which is amazing for a chiropractic office. I saw that on your originally when we first spoke and I thought, wow! That’s pretty interesting. So you have so many options.
Dr. Ward Wagner [21:20]: We do. We have, an actual, and it’s not just me doing acupuncture. We have an actual acupuncturist in the office, we’ve got massage therapy, we have a laser therapy. And I do brag, that is the most powerful therapeutic laser made.
Andi [21:36]: And you’re allowed to brag, that is a biggie.
Dr. Ward Wagner [21:38]: It is. And then we have the typical physical therapy modalities such as muscle stem, therapeutic ultrasound mechanical traction and those kinds of things. But then, our more exclusive types are the decompression therapy, laser therapy, and this calmare therapy.
Andi [21:58]: Calmare. And for chemotherapy induced peripheral neuropathy.
Dr. Ward Wagner [22:03]: You got it.
Andi [22:04]: How did I do that?
Dr. Ward Wagner [22:05]: You got it.
Andi [22:05]: Very good. Well, so, so let’s talk about other than the cancer pain what else, if someone comes in, because it had never occurred to me, help tennis elbow, we talked about that. You don’t think tennis elbow when you think of chiropractic.
Dr. Ward Wagner [22:23]: Right, there’s.
Andi [22:24]: What else?
Dr. Ward Wagner [22:24]: Yeah. There’s a number of things, basically, if it hurts, come and…
Andi [22:28]: Come and see.
Dr. Ward Wagner [22:28]: Talk to me about it.
Andi [22:29]: Okay.
Dr. Ward Wagner [22:29]:Because we have so many things that take care of not only tendon, joint cartilage, disc, ligament, and it goes on and on.
Andi [22:40]: Good. Well, I’m glad you mentioned all of those and that’s important. I don’t think a lot ofpeople, I don’t know that our listeners know, but pain is pain.
Dr. Ward Wagner [22:50]: Right. So, what my job is when people come in, I want to discover where the pain’s coming from. If it’s something that I can treat, I let you know, if it’s not, I’ll refer you to somebody who can, but…
Andi [23:04]: That’s fair.
Dr. Ward Wagner [23:05]: We are talking, yeah. Tendonitis, Bursitis your disc injuries, all of these intractable pains that we’ve mentioned here on the show today.
Andi [23:17]: Right.
Dr. Ward Wagner [23:18]: From neuropathy, chemo, cancer all of those syndromes, even fibromyalgia. And then, other extremity relief issues; your typical sports injuries, ankle sprains.
Andi [23:33]: Right.
Dr. Ward Wagner [23:33]: Tennis elbow carpal tunnel syndrome, rotator cuff syndromes, all these kinds of things. We have great success within our office and it’s all drug free, surgery free.
Andi [23:44]: That’s huge. . So if you’ve got pain and you’d like to take advantage of Dr. Wagner’s offer, once again, he is offering for $99, an initial exam, a consultation free calmare what do you call it? I guess.
Dr. Ward Wagner [24:01]: Calmare therapy.
Andi [24:03]: Therapy Yep. And a one hour massage as well. So all of that together, it’s a great opportunity to get to know Dr. Wagner, find out if your pain can be treated. And I’m telling you, it’s just about any pain.
Dr. Ward Wagner [24:16]: Just about. Of course that’s a really far stretch, but yeah.
Andi [24:20]: Do you think? I don’t know, I’m talking to you. I’m amazed.
Dr. Ward Wagner [24:23]: Many pains.
Andi [24:24]: Okay. So if you’ve got a back pain, if you’ve got a joint pain, call Dr. Wagner’s office, once again at 673-1443, this is the B Pain Free Radio show with Dr. Ward Wagner.
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